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Documentation for LexyClient


LexyClient class


Name Type Description
base_url str

Base URL for the Lexy API.

aclient AsyncClient

Asynchronous API client.

client Client

Synchronous API client.

binding BindingClient

Client for interacting with the Bindings API.

collection CollectionClient

Client for interacting with the Collections API.

document DocumentClient

Client for interacting with the Documents API.

index IndexClient

Client for interacting with the Indexes API.

transformer TransformerClient

Client for interacting with the Transformers API.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
class LexyClient:
    LexyClient class

        base_url (str): Base URL for the Lexy API.
        aclient (httpx.AsyncClient): Asynchronous API client.
        client (httpx.Client): Synchronous API client.
        binding (BindingClient): Client for interacting with the Bindings API.
        collection (CollectionClient): Client for interacting with the Collections API.
        document (DocumentClient): Client for interacting with the Documents API.
        index (IndexClient): Client for interacting with the Indexes API.
        transformer (TransformerClient): Client for interacting with the Transformers

    base_url: str
    aclient: httpx.AsyncClient
    client: httpx.Client

    binding: BindingClient
    collection: CollectionClient
    document: DocumentClient
    index: IndexClient
    transformer: TransformerClient

    def __init__(
        base_url: str = DEFAULT_BASE_URL,
        api_timeout: int = API_TIMEOUT,
        client_kwargs: dict = None,
        aclient_kwargs: dict = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize a LexyClient instance.

            base_url (str, optional): Base URL for the Lexy API. Defaults to
            api_timeout (int, optional): Timeout in seconds for API requests. Defaults
                to API_TIMEOUT.
            client_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword args for the synchronous API client.
            aclient_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword args for the asynchronous API
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.api_timeout = api_timeout

        client_kwargs = client_kwargs or {}
        self._client = httpx.Client(
            base_url=self.base_url, timeout=self.api_timeout, **client_kwargs
        aclient_kwargs = aclient_kwargs or {}
        self._aclient = httpx.AsyncClient(
            base_url=self.base_url, timeout=self.api_timeout, **aclient_kwargs

        # binding
        self.binding = BindingClient(self)
        self.create_binding = self.binding.create_binding
        self.delete_binding = self.binding.delete_binding
        self.get_binding = self.binding.get_binding
        self.list_bindings = self.binding.list_bindings
        self.update_binding = self.binding.update_binding

        # collection
        self.collection = CollectionClient(self)
        self.create_collection = self.collection.create_collection
        self.delete_collection = self.collection.delete_collection
        self.get_collection = self.collection.get_collection
        self.list_collections = self.collection.list_collections
        self.update_collection = self.collection.update_collection

        # document
        self.document = DocumentClient(self)
        self.add_documents = self.document.add_documents
        self.bulk_delete_documents = self.document.bulk_delete_documents
        self.delete_document = self.document.delete_document
        self.get_document = self.document.get_document
        self.list_documents = self.document.list_documents
        self.update_document = self.document.update_document
        self.upload_documents = self.document.upload_documents

        # index
        self.index = IndexClient(self)
        self.create_index = self.index.create_index
        self.delete_index = self.index.delete_index
        self.get_index = self.index.get_index
        self.list_indexes = self.index.list_indexes
        self.query_index = self.index.query_index
        self.update_index = self.index.update_index

        # transformer
        self.transformer = TransformerClient(self)
        self.create_transformer = self.transformer.create_transformer
        self.delete_transformer = self.transformer.delete_transformer
        self.get_transformer = self.transformer.get_transformer
        self.list_transformers = self.transformer.list_transformers
        self.update_transformer = self.transformer.update_transformer
        self.transform_document = self.transformer.transform_document

    def client(self) -> httpx.Client:
        if self._client is None:
            raise LexyClientError("Client is not set.")
        return self._client

    def client(self, value) -> None:
        self._client = value

    def aclient(self) -> httpx.AsyncClient:
        if self._aclient is None:
            raise LexyClientError("AsyncClient is not set.")
        return self._aclient

    def aclient(self, value) -> None:
        self._aclient = value

    async def __aenter__(self) -> "LexyClient":
        """Async context manager entry point."""
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb) -> None:
        """Async context manager exit point."""
        await self.aclient.aclose()

    def __enter__(self) -> "LexyClient":
        """Synchronous context manager entry point."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb) -> None:
        """Synchronous context manager exit point."""

    def get(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Synchronous GET request."""
        return self.client.get(url, **kwargs)

    async def aget(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Async GET request."""
        return await self.aclient.get(url, **kwargs)

    def post(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Synchronous POST request."""
        return, **kwargs)

    async def apost(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Async POST request."""
        return await, **kwargs)

    def patch(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Synchronous PATCH request."""
        return self.client.patch(url, **kwargs)

    async def apatch(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Async PATCH request."""
        return await self.aclient.patch(url, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Synchronous DELETE request."""
        return self.client.delete(url, **kwargs)

    async def adelete(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
        """Async DELETE request."""
        return await self.aclient.delete(url, **kwargs)

    def bindings(self):
        """Get a list of all bindings."""
        return self.binding.list_bindings()

    def collections(self):
        """Get a list of all collections."""
        return self.collection.list_collections()

    def indexes(self):
        """Get a list of all indexes."""
        return self.index.list_indexes()

    def transformers(self):
        """Get a list of all transformers."""
        return self.transformer.list_transformers()

    def info(self):
        """Print info about the Lexy server."""
        collections_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {c.__repr__()}" for c in self.collections])
        indexes_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {i.__repr__()}" for i in self.indexes])
        transformers_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {t.__repr__()}" for t in self.transformers])
        bindings_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {b.__repr__()}" for b in self.bindings])
        info_str = (
            f"Lexy server <{self.base_url}>\n\n"
            f"{len(self.collections)} Collections\n{collections_str}\n"
            f"{len(self.indexes)} Indexes\n{indexes_str}\n"
            f"{len(self.transformers)} Transformers\n{transformers_str}\n"
            f"{len(self.bindings)} Bindings\n{bindings_str}\n"

bindings property

Get a list of all bindings.

collections property

Get a list of all collections.

indexes property

Get a list of all indexes.

transformers property

Get a list of all transformers.

__init__(base_url=DEFAULT_BASE_URL, api_timeout=API_TIMEOUT, client_kwargs=None, aclient_kwargs=None)

Initialize a LexyClient instance.


Name Type Description Default
base_url str

Base URL for the Lexy API. Defaults to DEFAULT_BASE_URL.

api_timeout int

Timeout in seconds for API requests. Defaults to API_TIMEOUT.

client_kwargs dict

Keyword args for the synchronous API client.

aclient_kwargs dict

Keyword args for the asynchronous API client.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def __init__(
    base_url: str = DEFAULT_BASE_URL,
    api_timeout: int = API_TIMEOUT,
    client_kwargs: dict = None,
    aclient_kwargs: dict = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialize a LexyClient instance.

        base_url (str, optional): Base URL for the Lexy API. Defaults to
        api_timeout (int, optional): Timeout in seconds for API requests. Defaults
            to API_TIMEOUT.
        client_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword args for the synchronous API client.
        aclient_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword args for the asynchronous API
    self.base_url = base_url
    self.api_timeout = api_timeout

    client_kwargs = client_kwargs or {}
    self._client = httpx.Client(
        base_url=self.base_url, timeout=self.api_timeout, **client_kwargs
    aclient_kwargs = aclient_kwargs or {}
    self._aclient = httpx.AsyncClient(
        base_url=self.base_url, timeout=self.api_timeout, **aclient_kwargs

    # binding
    self.binding = BindingClient(self)
    self.create_binding = self.binding.create_binding
    self.delete_binding = self.binding.delete_binding
    self.get_binding = self.binding.get_binding
    self.list_bindings = self.binding.list_bindings
    self.update_binding = self.binding.update_binding

    # collection
    self.collection = CollectionClient(self)
    self.create_collection = self.collection.create_collection
    self.delete_collection = self.collection.delete_collection
    self.get_collection = self.collection.get_collection
    self.list_collections = self.collection.list_collections
    self.update_collection = self.collection.update_collection

    # document
    self.document = DocumentClient(self)
    self.add_documents = self.document.add_documents
    self.bulk_delete_documents = self.document.bulk_delete_documents
    self.delete_document = self.document.delete_document
    self.get_document = self.document.get_document
    self.list_documents = self.document.list_documents
    self.update_document = self.document.update_document
    self.upload_documents = self.document.upload_documents

    # index
    self.index = IndexClient(self)
    self.create_index = self.index.create_index
    self.delete_index = self.index.delete_index
    self.get_index = self.index.get_index
    self.list_indexes = self.index.list_indexes
    self.query_index = self.index.query_index
    self.update_index = self.index.update_index

    # transformer
    self.transformer = TransformerClient(self)
    self.create_transformer = self.transformer.create_transformer
    self.delete_transformer = self.transformer.delete_transformer
    self.get_transformer = self.transformer.get_transformer
    self.list_transformers = self.transformer.list_transformers
    self.update_transformer = self.transformer.update_transformer
    self.transform_document = self.transformer.transform_document

adelete(url, **kwargs) async

Async DELETE request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
async def adelete(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Async DELETE request."""
    return await self.aclient.delete(url, **kwargs)

aget(url, **kwargs) async

Async GET request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
async def aget(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Async GET request."""
    return await self.aclient.get(url, **kwargs)

apatch(url, **kwargs) async

Async PATCH request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
async def apatch(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Async PATCH request."""
    return await self.aclient.patch(url, **kwargs)

apost(url, **kwargs) async

Async POST request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
async def apost(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Async POST request."""
    return await, **kwargs)

delete(url, **kwargs)

Synchronous DELETE request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def delete(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Synchronous DELETE request."""
    return self.client.delete(url, **kwargs)

get(url, **kwargs)

Synchronous GET request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def get(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Synchronous GET request."""
    return self.client.get(url, **kwargs)


Print info about the Lexy server.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def info(self):
    """Print info about the Lexy server."""
    collections_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {c.__repr__()}" for c in self.collections])
    indexes_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {i.__repr__()}" for i in self.indexes])
    transformers_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {t.__repr__()}" for t in self.transformers])
    bindings_str = "\n".join([f"\t- {b.__repr__()}" for b in self.bindings])
    info_str = (
        f"Lexy server <{self.base_url}>\n\n"
        f"{len(self.collections)} Collections\n{collections_str}\n"
        f"{len(self.indexes)} Indexes\n{indexes_str}\n"
        f"{len(self.transformers)} Transformers\n{transformers_str}\n"
        f"{len(self.bindings)} Bindings\n{bindings_str}\n"

patch(url, **kwargs)

Synchronous PATCH request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def patch(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Synchronous PATCH request."""
    return self.client.patch(url, **kwargs)

post(url, **kwargs)

Synchronous POST request.

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def post(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Response:
    """Synchronous POST request."""
    return, **kwargs)