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Documentation for FilterBuilder


Helper class for creating filters.


Name Type Description
conditions list[dict]

A list of conditions to be combined. Each condition consists of a field, an operation, a value, and a negation option. field is a string representing the field to be matched. operation is a string representing the operation to be performed on the field. value is the value to be matched against. negate is a boolean representing whether the condition should be negated.

Valid operations include the following.

  • equals
  • equals_ci (case-insensitive equals)
  • less_than
  • less_than_or_equals
  • greater_than
  • greater_than_or_equals
  • contains
  • contains_ci (case-insensitive contains)
  • starts_with
  • starts_with_ci (case-insensitive starts_with)
  • ends_with
  • ends_with_ci (case-insensitive ends_with)
  • in
combination str

The combination of conditions - either 'AND' or 'OR'


Name Description

Adds a condition to the filter object with a positive match


Adds a condition to the filter object with a negative match


Returns the filter object as a dictionary


Returns the filter object as a JSON string


Restrict documents to those that contain the word 'mathematics' regardless of the case:

>>> from lexy_py import FilterBuilder
>>> builder = FilterBuilder()
>>> builder.include("content", "contains_ci", "mathematics")
>>> print(builder.to_json())
    "conditions": [
        {"field": "content", "operation": "contains_ci", "value": "mathematics", "negate": false}
    "combination": "AND"

Restrict documents to those with a size less than 30,000 bytes and a file type that is not an image or video:

>>> builder = FilterBuilder()
>>> builder.include("meta.size", "less_than", 30000)
>>> builder.exclude("meta.type", "in", ["image", "video"])
>>> print(builder.to_json())
    "conditions": [
        {"field": "meta.size", "operation": "less_than", "value": 30000, "negate": false},
        {"field": "meta.type", "operation": "in", "value": ["image", "video"], "negate": true}
    "combination": "AND"

Restrict documents to those where URL is not None and does not start with '':

>>> builder = FilterBuilder()
>>> builder.exclude("meta.url", "starts_with", "")
>>> builder.exclude("meta.url", "equals", None)
>>> builder.to_dict()
    "conditions": [
        {"field": "meta.url", "operation": "starts_with", "value": "", "negate": True},
        {"field": "meta.url", "operation": "equals", "value": None, "negate": True}
    "combination": "AND"
Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
class FilterBuilder:
    """Helper class for creating filters.

        conditions (list[dict]): A list of conditions to be combined. Each condition
            consists of a field, an operation, a value, and a negation option. `field`
            is a string representing the field to be matched. `operation` is a string
            representing the operation to be performed on the field. `value` is the
            value to be matched against. `negate` is a boolean representing whether the
            condition should be negated.

            Valid operations include the following.

            - `equals`
            - `equals_ci` (case-insensitive equals)
            - `less_than`
            - `less_than_or_equals`
            - `greater_than`
            - `greater_than_or_equals`
            - `contains`
            - `contains_ci` (case-insensitive contains)
            - `starts_with`
            - `starts_with_ci` (case-insensitive starts_with)
            - `ends_with`
            - `ends_with_ci` (case-insensitive ends_with)
            - `in`
        combination (str): The combination of conditions - either 'AND' or 'OR'

        include: Adds a condition to the filter object with a positive match
        exclude: Adds a condition to the filter object with a negative match
        to_dict: Returns the filter object as a dictionary
        to_json: Returns the filter object as a JSON string

        Restrict documents to those that contain the word 'mathematics' regardless of
        the case:

        >>> from lexy_py import FilterBuilder
        >>> builder = FilterBuilder()
        >>> builder.include("content", "contains_ci", "mathematics")
        >>> print(builder.to_json())
            "conditions": [
                {"field": "content", "operation": "contains_ci", "value": "mathematics", "negate": false}
            "combination": "AND"

        Restrict documents to those with a size less than 30,000 bytes and a file type
        that is not an image or video:

        >>> builder = FilterBuilder()
        >>> builder.include("meta.size", "less_than", 30000)
        >>> builder.exclude("meta.type", "in", ["image", "video"])
        >>> print(builder.to_json())
            "conditions": [
                {"field": "meta.size", "operation": "less_than", "value": 30000, "negate": false},
                {"field": "meta.type", "operation": "in", "value": ["image", "video"], "negate": true}
            "combination": "AND"

        Restrict documents to those where URL is not None and does not start with

        >>> builder = FilterBuilder()
        >>> builder.exclude("meta.url", "starts_with", "")
        >>> builder.exclude("meta.url", "equals", None)
        >>> builder.to_dict()
            "conditions": [
                {"field": "meta.url", "operation": "starts_with", "value": "", "negate": True},
                {"field": "meta.url", "operation": "equals", "value": None, "negate": True}
            "combination": "AND"

    def __init__(self, conditions: list[dict] = None, combination: str = "AND"):
        self.conditions = conditions or []
        if combination.upper() not in ["AND", "OR"]:
            raise ValueError("Invalid combination - must be 'AND' or 'OR'")
        self.combination = combination.upper()

    def include(self, field: str, operation: str, value: Any):
        """Adds a condition to the filter object with a positive match

            field: The field to be matched
            operation: The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the

                - `equals`
                - `equals_ci` (case-insensitive equals)
                - `less_than`
                - `less_than_or_equals`
                - `greater_than`
                - `greater_than_or_equals`
                - `contains`
                - `contains_ci` (case-insensitive contains)
                - `starts_with`
                - `starts_with_ci` (case-insensitive starts_with)
                - `ends_with`
                - `ends_with_ci` (case-insensitive ends_with)
                - `in`
            value: The value to be matched against
            {"field": field, "operation": operation, "value": value, "negate": False}
        return self

    def exclude(self, field: str, operation: str, value: Any):
        """Adds a condition to the filter object with a negative match

            field: The field to be matched
            operation: The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the

                - `equals`
                - `equals_ci` (case-insensitive equals)
                - `less_than`
                - `less_than_or_equals`
                - `greater_than`
                - `greater_than_or_equals`
                - `contains`
                - `contains_ci` (case-insensitive contains)
                - `starts_with`
                - `starts_with_ci` (case-insensitive starts_with)
                - `ends_with`
                - `ends_with_ci` (case-insensitive ends_with)
                - `in`
            value: The value to be matched against
            {"field": field, "operation": operation, "value": value, "negate": True}
        return self

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        return {"conditions": self.conditions, "combination": self.combination}

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        return json.dumps(
            {"conditions": self.conditions, "combination": self.combination}

exclude(field, operation, value)

Adds a condition to the filter object with a negative match


Name Type Description Default
field str

The field to be matched

operation str

The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the following.

  • equals
  • equals_ci (case-insensitive equals)
  • less_than
  • less_than_or_equals
  • greater_than
  • greater_than_or_equals
  • contains
  • contains_ci (case-insensitive contains)
  • starts_with
  • starts_with_ci (case-insensitive starts_with)
  • ends_with
  • ends_with_ci (case-insensitive ends_with)
  • in
value Any

The value to be matched against

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def exclude(self, field: str, operation: str, value: Any):
    """Adds a condition to the filter object with a negative match

        field: The field to be matched
        operation: The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the

            - `equals`
            - `equals_ci` (case-insensitive equals)
            - `less_than`
            - `less_than_or_equals`
            - `greater_than`
            - `greater_than_or_equals`
            - `contains`
            - `contains_ci` (case-insensitive contains)
            - `starts_with`
            - `starts_with_ci` (case-insensitive starts_with)
            - `ends_with`
            - `ends_with_ci` (case-insensitive ends_with)
            - `in`
        value: The value to be matched against
        {"field": field, "operation": operation, "value": value, "negate": True}
    return self

include(field, operation, value)

Adds a condition to the filter object with a positive match


Name Type Description Default
field str

The field to be matched

operation str

The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the following.

  • equals
  • equals_ci (case-insensitive equals)
  • less_than
  • less_than_or_equals
  • greater_than
  • greater_than_or_equals
  • contains
  • contains_ci (case-insensitive contains)
  • starts_with
  • starts_with_ci (case-insensitive starts_with)
  • ends_with
  • ends_with_ci (case-insensitive ends_with)
  • in
value Any

The value to be matched against

Source code in sdk-python/lexy_py/
def include(self, field: str, operation: str, value: Any):
    """Adds a condition to the filter object with a positive match

        field: The field to be matched
        operation: The operation to be performed on the field. Must be one of the

            - `equals`
            - `equals_ci` (case-insensitive equals)
            - `less_than`
            - `less_than_or_equals`
            - `greater_than`
            - `greater_than_or_equals`
            - `contains`
            - `contains_ci` (case-insensitive contains)
            - `starts_with`
            - `starts_with_ci` (case-insensitive starts_with)
            - `ends_with`
            - `ends_with_ci` (case-insensitive ends_with)
            - `in`
        value: The value to be matched against
        {"field": field, "operation": operation, "value": value, "negate": False}
    return self